CTECentro de Tecnología Educativa

The distance learning technologies and education center (CTE) was created at 1983, in Barcelona –Spain.

Its fundamental objective was the research and development of advanced didactic methodologies and the delivery of professional training, improvement and updating programs that respond to the training needs of the business, educational and labor world, in topics related to new technologies: Computer science, multimedia, telecommunications, Internet, and so forth.

CTE offered high-quality teaching and guaranteed direct and personal teaching attention to its students, inside and outside the Spanish borders, thanks to the use of the Spanish language.

Therefore, many of its students were distributed throughout the American and European continents.

Its courses were sponsored in Spain by the Ministry of Education, Spanish National System for Employment (ex Instituto Nacional de Empleo –INEM) and so on, until the local and regional educational competence about educational linguistics topic (first and second languages –in others words, Spanish or Catalan versus Catalan or Spanish) passed from Spanish Ministry of Education to the Generalitat of Catalunya (2000-1), under the corrupt / pseudo ultra-nationalist leadership of Pujol and yours fanatical followers (all in Catalan).

This transfer made it necessary to convert the courses from Spanish to Catalan, and therefore, the loss thousands and thousands of students from the Iberian and international markets.

This radical linguistics and ultra-nationalist decision can be the "beginning of the end" of efficient, important and respected CTE.